Friday, November 21, 2014

Shape to Symbol GIF & Reflection

Concept: Sleeping

While using the Photoshop, the most frustrating aspect of the project  was creating transitional layers because it was difficult to transition from a shape to my symbol. At first, I starts off with a oval shape and my next layer was a head and a body attach together. So, when creating my animation, I tween the shape frame and head with body frame to create multiple new frames between them. However, the transition was not smooth because the outline of oval shape overlapped the other the frame when the oval shape was fading out. At that time, I don't know what to do and Ms.Lee give me a suggestion of shrinking the oval shape multiple times to transition to the cat's head. After doing that, my transition look much better and smooth. The process of transition between the frame very frustrated  because I had a lot of details for my symbol. Also, I had many layers that transition from a basic shape to a more detail shape such as a half circle ear to a cat ear. So, sometimes I was confused and frustrated  because I had to hide different layers for different frame.

After completing the project, I feel most confident in using the selection tools, painting tools and rectangle tools. I feel like I am getting better at using the lasso and rectangular marquee because I have try adding and deleting selection when creating the cat ear shape and the arms. I used the rectangle tools often while creating the basic shape of the cat, the book and adding details of the book. In addition, I used the brush to create the eyes, eye brows and  to draw the cat ears and the arms to make it look better after using the lasso tool. The paint bucket was used often to fill in the color of different part of the cat.

I wish I was better at the pen tools because I experiment that tool when creating the cat ear. I used the tool to add and delete anchor point to help me draw a smooth-edged of the cat ear. However, I felt like this tool was difficult to use because it not easy to make a smooth-edge and to change the anchor point to make way you want to be.

For the next Photoshop project, I want to try altering different images to create a new image. I think this will be a new experience for me especially I never edit a photo in Photoshop. I think it will cool to have different layers of  multiple images that create a a unique photo comparing to the original photos. I also want to draw  again using the pen tools because it was difficult to maintain a steady hand when drawing on the computer. So, I want to experience with the pen tool again in the future.