Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I had experience and witness microaggression when I was young.  I heard of people asking me about "where are you from" and "where were I born." I feel like people should not judge by someone's background or whether if someone first language was not English. I had heard people saying that my English wasn't good since it was my second language. I had heard many people saying about "you are Asian, then you must be good at math." I feel like that is not true because everyone has a talent in certain thing. One could be good at math and another could be good at English. Another example of microaggression I had witness was when I was walking home and  someone saying "that black smells" and move away from the person.  I feel like that is very disrespectful and racist.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Book Cover

I think the book design successful in capturing the main idea of the book. The fact that the apple, flower, ribbon and the chess are red somehow relates to blood and vampire. The design is elegant and eye-catching. Since the background color is black, the red and white color very "pop up" and making it very stand-out.

I like this book cover because the use of color make the cover and it book title stand out more. The shapes surrounding the title make the title the focus point. Each shape has writing on it which I think it might be the main idea or some kind of connections related to the book. 

I was drawn into this book cover because it "pretty", the flower make the book title "pop out" and the flowers are 3-D. The different colors of the flower works well with the background color and it gives me a mode of love and nice feelings. The title "The Last Skin" makes me wonder why the designer choose to use flowers as a design .
I was attracted to this book cover because of the bright yellow and the mask & eyes. It makes me feel like someone is watching you. The design behind the mask is very detail and the image of tree and river could be relates to the book title "Harlequins". The fact that the font of book title is so small makes the the design the focal point and easily attract others.
I like this book cover because the use of color is simple, just black and green and the design is very cool. The lines create an image of tree which is very interesting. I also like there are some quote such as "where-there is life, there is faith" and it connects to the book title "Confession". It makes me think that the book might be about love story or relationship between female and male.
I love this book cover because it is pretty and fancy. The use of color is very bright. I was attracted to the beautiful design of the umbrella. The umbrella is a symbol that represent the book title "Spring, Heat, Rains". Each of the umbrella design is unique and elegant.  

With the five I choose, some common characteristics between them are that all the book cover is pretty and elegant. It has bright colors that makes the book title stand out. The difference between the book title is that the font and font size is different. Some design are simple and some includes complex pattern.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Mid-winter Break

During the break, my cousins came over to my house. We went to target and Costco to buy food and snacks. I brought dog slicker brush, it was used to brush the yarn to fuzz the yarn up for amigurumi. It was fun brushing the yarn and the crochet doll turn out smooth and fuzzy. Then, my cousins ask me to do their nails and they choose the base color they want. I spend hours doing the nails. Most of time, I was at home and spend some time with my cousins and I watch anime, Korean shows and manga. I went to Anna's house on friday to do the gender project which we have to video tape our performance on The Taming  of the Shrew.

Logo reflection

The most challenge aspect of creating my logo design was creating my logo presentation board because I have a hard time arranging all the information and pictures I have. The first time I arrange it, there were some empty space between the images and it just doesn't look good. The presentation board was not very organized and it seems that there are no focal point. At first I have two texts at a different place, so I combine the texts into one and put it under my logo designs. Then I put all the drafts, concept board and logo in context on the left side. I add in  text to identify some of images. Since my presentation board does not contain image directly relate to the cooking club. Ms.Lee suggest to make a banner with fruit and vegetable. So I find a image and put the title on it. I also add another logo in context which was the a pot with my logo design in the center. Lastly I align my images.

The most successful aspect of my logo design is using the pen tools. After practicing with the pen tool, I learn how to convert the anchors and swings around the anchor to make the angle/lines I want. I pick an image on the Internet of a chief hat and trace with the pen tools. The tracing turn out great and I copy and paste the chief hat to make a small chief hat. The smaller one was place on top of the letter IN diagonally. I also like how I arrange the my typeface because there are different font size for each letter. For example, I make the N smaller font than I or G, so the smaller chief hat can fit on top of the "IN".

Monday, February 2, 2015

Looking at art in NYC

 National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution
Title: Kumukwamt (Chief of the Undersea mask)
Artist: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, ca. 1900

I was surprised when I first saw this Kumukwamt mask because the mask is very colorful, creative and include many details or pattern. My first impression was  "Amazing" and how did they create this masterpiece just out of wood, paint, glass and string. The use of color was very eye catching and stand out. This mask represents Kumugwe-wealthy, the chief of the Undersea. The Kumugwe' lives under the ocean guarded by various sea monster. It was also known as the Copper Maker because his house was made out of copper and his wealth was sought after by legendary heroes. This artwork is surrounded by other mask include mask that is use in a festival/ceremonies, for example the Kwakwaka Wakw mechanical mask. This art work remind me of the book, Oedipus where the actors wear mask to perform/acts.