Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Concept Board and Research

Marian Bantjes
-a designer, typographer, writer and illustrator
-I am attracted to her design because of her different ways of designing the heart shape. Also, her design is very detailed and contains a pattern as well as highly ornamental style.


Forms or Movement/Inspiration that influenced her:                Admire:
-mediaeval manuscripts/ illuminated manuscripts                   -Eike König
- islamic art                                                                               -Chris Ware
-14th–18th calligraphy                                                               -Robert bringhurst
-art nouveau                                                                              -Ricky Jay
-the Arts & Crafts movement                                                    -Naomi klein
-typography                                                                                -Ed Fella
-textiles from around the world
-old lace
-Rococco or Gothic anything

She was born  in 1963 and grew up in Saskatchewan. At first, she thought that she will become a “commercial artist” and at that point, she never heard of graphic design. Then, she gave up of being an artist. After she dropped out of art school, she works with publisher Hartley & Marks where she helps to do general job and type-works. She learned typography from Hartley & Marks who trained her on XyWrite (a word-processing program). She first started recreating pencil-drawn, marked-out layout and learning about margin and gutters.It is a aptitude  for computer typesetting  that slowly influence the public and developed into the understanding of typography and design. Bantjes was clueless about different design and designer until she was asked to teach a class in typography that led her to research and learn about the design and history of typography where she learned different typeface.

Bantjes started working in the field of visual communication in 1983 and worked as a book typesetter from 1984–1994. She then opened her own design firm in 1944 and in 2003, she starts to experiment  design of love that is highly personal, obsessive and sometimes weird.At the same time, she began writing the “Speak Up” and her cheeky and thoughtful articles help her gain recognition and soon, she caught the attention of other designers and art Director in North America. The “Speak Up” allow her to met new friends and shift her life focus from Canada to America. In addition, it let her realized her passionate about graphic design. Furthermore, she was often hired to create custom type of advertisements, magazines and special projects due to her unique style of typography and illustration includes extremely detailed letterforms, ornaments, lovingly precise vector art , pattern and  has been featured in design publications all over the world. “Bantjes’ work contains an underlying structure and formality that frames its organic and fluid nature.” So, the combination of her style has drawn the interest of a wide variety of designers and typographers that lead them to teach and experienced formalists to students. Her design is still very influential to other designers and the world.

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