Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Typefaces

This is decorative typeface. This typeface is used for brand of kettle chips. I think this typeface is appropriate because the design is elegant and the way it decorated makes the brand stands out and attractive.
This is the slab serif typeface because it has serifs on each letter. This is used for making the title of the product and possibly for advertisement. I think this typeface is appropriate because the size of the font very stands out and  it allow people to know what product they buying since the font is easy to read and simple.

This is script typeface and it found in famous Shakespeare books and some other old tradition/english book. The typeface is appropriate for its purpose because this font make the book-cover more attractive and make it elegant. Also, this type of script is not very hard to read and fit with the book title.
This is San Serif typeface because there is no serif and no thick/thin transition on the strokes. This typeface is used for brand of Band-Aid. I think this typeface is appropriate since the font is simple and straight-forward. Also, Band-Aid does not need complicate font and the looks great the ways it does.
This is modern typeface because there is thin/thick transition in the letter M. This typeface is found in textbook or used as the author's name. I think this typeface is appropriate because it simple to read.
This is old style typeface because there is serif on lowercase and is slanted. This typeface is found in famous brand for bag, cloth, wallet etc.  This typeface is appropriate because this makes the brand look elegant, simple and easy to read.

Friday, December 19, 2014

My Typeface

If I was a font, I would choose Churli Cute because this font is very cute and yet simple.This font include all type of emotions that I would go through everyday. I feel connected and attracted to this font because there were times that I am happy, sad, angry, frustrating, relaxing etc. Also, I was attracted to the carton character on the side of the font because I love drawing cute cartoon characters or animals. Through past project, I have always draw cute things such as panda and making sleeping cat GIF. A main component/theme in my projects is cuteness and this font really present this kind of idea. This also reflect on my interest of crocheting stuffed animals. I feel like this font represent me in many ways.

Logo Question and Summary

What are the goal of Cooking Club?
What is the purpose of the club?
What would you like to include in the logo that represent the club?
When did the club start?
What type of food do you cook?

Cooking Club start in 2012 as Ms. Erlij as the founder. The goal of the club is to practice skills of cooking and to have fun with it. The club tend to make good food by trying new recipes and including healthy and filling ingredients. It was a opportunity for students to learn how to cook while cooperating with other students. The club member meet once a week and be given a new recipes once they get to the club and they follow the recipes. Students have the chance to try out different skills of cooking, such as cutting vegetables, washing food and using the different tools for cooking. They cook pasta, chicken, tacos etc. Something that should include in the logo are some kind of food, tools, ribbons. Just make it look like a presentation of dish. Also, the logo should somehow represent togetherness and make it fresh and clean. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Favorite Logo

One brand that I enjoy the most is Starbucks which is an example of combination marks. I think the logo is well designed because it is  very straight forward and tells you what the symbol means. I very like the idea of using the words "Starbucks Coffee" surrounding the image of a "twin-tailed mermaid"that represent Siren or Greek mythology. Overall, I think the image is very attractive and pretty.

Shop Wise Logo
I think this logo is well design because when I first see this logo, I think the design is very cute and attractive. The logo contains a a shopping bag design that symbolism shopping. The fact that it put on a glasses and mustache on the bag shows that people should shop wisely and buy the stuff that they really like or benefit for them or last long etc. This logo is also very straight forward because it incorporate the text "Shop Wise".  I think the focus of this logo is shop "Wise" since the font is bigger than the phase "Shop". 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Portrait Transformation


My concept for this portrait transformation project is car-lover. I use my brother as the figure because my brother love playing car and he has many cars at home. So, from my original photo, I delete the background picture, left with an blank background. I use the clone stamp tool on the jean to make the grass less visible. I also use the curve adjustment and layer mask to make my brother 's face look whiter. After that, I drag in the background image of a room. Then, I drag in photos of cars I found online and some I take at home. I enlarge the blue car and shrink my brother, so my brother can sit on top of the car. Then, I shrink the different cars and make it into a heart shape surrounding my brother. This way it shows my concept of car-lover.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Shape to Symbol GIF & Reflection

Concept: Sleeping

While using the Photoshop, the most frustrating aspect of the project  was creating transitional layers because it was difficult to transition from a shape to my symbol. At first, I starts off with a oval shape and my next layer was a head and a body attach together. So, when creating my animation, I tween the shape frame and head with body frame to create multiple new frames between them. However, the transition was not smooth because the outline of oval shape overlapped the other the frame when the oval shape was fading out. At that time, I don't know what to do and Ms.Lee give me a suggestion of shrinking the oval shape multiple times to transition to the cat's head. After doing that, my transition look much better and smooth. The process of transition between the frame very frustrated  because I had a lot of details for my symbol. Also, I had many layers that transition from a basic shape to a more detail shape such as a half circle ear to a cat ear. So, sometimes I was confused and frustrated  because I had to hide different layers for different frame.

After completing the project, I feel most confident in using the selection tools, painting tools and rectangle tools. I feel like I am getting better at using the lasso and rectangular marquee because I have try adding and deleting selection when creating the cat ear shape and the arms. I used the rectangle tools often while creating the basic shape of the cat, the book and adding details of the book. In addition, I used the brush to create the eyes, eye brows and  to draw the cat ears and the arms to make it look better after using the lasso tool. The paint bucket was used often to fill in the color of different part of the cat.

I wish I was better at the pen tools because I experiment that tool when creating the cat ear. I used the tool to add and delete anchor point to help me draw a smooth-edged of the cat ear. However, I felt like this tool was difficult to use because it not easy to make a smooth-edge and to change the anchor point to make way you want to be.

For the next Photoshop project, I want to try altering different images to create a new image. I think this will be a new experience for me especially I never edit a photo in Photoshop. I think it will cool to have different layers of  multiple images that create a a unique photo comparing to the original photos. I also want to draw  again using the pen tools because it was difficult to maintain a steady hand when drawing on the computer. So, I want to experience with the pen tool again in the future.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Concept Board and Research

Marian Bantjes
-a designer, typographer, writer and illustrator
-I am attracted to her design because of her different ways of designing the heart shape. Also, her design is very detailed and contains a pattern as well as highly ornamental style.


Forms or Movement/Inspiration that influenced her:                Admire:
-mediaeval manuscripts/ illuminated manuscripts                   -Eike König
- islamic art                                                                               -Chris Ware
-14th–18th calligraphy                                                               -Robert bringhurst
-art nouveau                                                                              -Ricky Jay
-the Arts & Crafts movement                                                    -Naomi klein
-typography                                                                                -Ed Fella
-textiles from around the world
-old lace
-Rococco or Gothic anything

She was born  in 1963 and grew up in Saskatchewan. At first, she thought that she will become a “commercial artist” and at that point, she never heard of graphic design. Then, she gave up of being an artist. After she dropped out of art school, she works with publisher Hartley & Marks where she helps to do general job and type-works. She learned typography from Hartley & Marks who trained her on XyWrite (a word-processing program). She first started recreating pencil-drawn, marked-out layout and learning about margin and gutters.It is a aptitude  for computer typesetting  that slowly influence the public and developed into the understanding of typography and design. Bantjes was clueless about different design and designer until she was asked to teach a class in typography that led her to research and learn about the design and history of typography where she learned different typeface.

Bantjes started working in the field of visual communication in 1983 and worked as a book typesetter from 1984–1994. She then opened her own design firm in 1944 and in 2003, she starts to experiment  design of love that is highly personal, obsessive and sometimes weird.At the same time, she began writing the “Speak Up” and her cheeky and thoughtful articles help her gain recognition and soon, she caught the attention of other designers and art Director in North America. The “Speak Up” allow her to met new friends and shift her life focus from Canada to America. In addition, it let her realized her passionate about graphic design. Furthermore, she was often hired to create custom type of advertisements, magazines and special projects due to her unique style of typography and illustration includes extremely detailed letterforms, ornaments, lovingly precise vector art , pattern and  has been featured in design publications all over the world. “Bantjes’ work contains an underlying structure and formality that frames its organic and fluid nature.” So, the combination of her style has drawn the interest of a wide variety of designers and typographers that lead them to teach and experienced formalists to students. Her design is still very influential to other designers and the world.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

1. Before actually start to design my letter, I start to brainstorm my letter through a web chart. I choose letter Q because it the first letter of my name and starts to associate ideas, environment, activity, animals and memories that associate with my letter. Then, I finally came to the conclusion of choosing a peaceful environment as my concept. This process was helpful because brainstorming my idea actually helps to developed my idea. Then I start sketching 20 thumbnails of my design and choose my first design as my draft which turn out to be final. Since I want to create a peaceful environment, I thought it will a good idea to draw a tree and incorporate the tree to my Q. Then I realize it will look more peaceful to create a cherry blossom tree. Due to the fact that I like panda, so incorporate panda into my design.My other design was a bear. After having my drafts,  I ask my classmate for opinions and discuss what can it be improved. This process helps me gain suggestions from other people and make my design better. Finally, it helps me to choose my final design.

2. My concept for my letter is a quiet environment with no distraction. So, I decide to separates my letter into two part, one with a big leave and other includes my tree. Then I thought about adding animals to my letter and I choose panda. I decide to add three panda, one sleeping on the leaf, once climbing the tree and under just sitting under the tree. I add panda because it will make more like a nature environment and associate with my interest which is I love panda, At first, the tree only have leafs but I ended drawing flowers/blossom to create a more lovely and peaceful. After, I start to add flowers to the ground which turns out to be pinkish ground. I also draw flowers that are flowing around. All those helps to developed my concept of a nature environment. After sketching all the parts, I choose color pencil and use a lot of warm and light colors such as light green, different kinds of pink and red into my letter. The colors I choose help to form a peaceful and warm environment. It also make you feel relax and calm. This makes me want to sleep under the tree and feel connected to nature as well as wanted to go picnic with my family and friends near the cherry blossom. It seems to be a place that I wanted to live. 

3. I think the most challenge aspect of the project is how to create a peaceful environment and make the letter I wanted to be because there many ways that you can incorporate your letter with nature. Also, I was a little struggle about what kind of materials should I use because there was no time for me to experiment with different material which was very sad.

4. I am very satisfied with my project because it come out the way I wanted be. Looking at my design, I feel my letter is very warm and cute. I very like the idea of having different position of my panda because I love panda. I feel like the letter very represent me and reminds of what I like and the type of environment that I wanted to be in.

5. If I can change anything about my design, something I will do differently is using pencil watercolor and have the time to experiment different type of materials. I also wanted to use different color such as blue and darker color and see what kind of change it will make. Also, by using darker color to make my tree stand out more. In addition, I want to use sunset or the sky as my background to see if it will look better. Finally, I wanted to be more detail with my panda and make it more realistic as well as adding other animals like bird to my design.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


My major interest is AMIGURUMI, in Japanese, it refers to knitted or crocheted stuffed dolls. Well, making amigurumi requires practice and patience. I was exposed to amigurumi last year and I totally fall in love right after seeing different kind of crochet animals that are being created and they are totally adorable. I was amazed by it and wonder how those cuties are created. So, the next few days, I started buying the materials and search tutorial videos and blogs that teach me the basic of amigurumi and how to read the patterns including the abbreviation for stitches and direction. Also, amigurumi also required the skill of sewing the all the body parts together which is the most difficult steps to me.

Mei Li Lee, is one of the blogger I love and her first amigurumi book just published few weeks ago. It called "Hello Kitty Crochet" that contains super-cute amigurumi patterns for Sanrio friends.. In the book, pandapple is my favorite pattern because I love pandas!!!!!!! I guess what inspired me the most was it that it helps to developed my patience and how cute those amigurumi are. The book also remind me of my childhood (memories) and the cartoons movie I watched when I was young.

My Pandapple!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Hi, I am Qiao. One of my main hobby is to crochet amigurumi. I think not a lot of people have heard about it. Well, amigurumi refers to using yarn to crocheted stuff dolls/animals, such as: rabbit, bear, owl etc. My favorite amigurumi designer are Mei Li Lee and I like her patterns of amigurumi, it amazing and adorable. Crocheting is something I  frequently do at home. My favorite show is Running Man, I have been watching it since last year and  is something I entertain myself during the weekend. Other than that, I usually watch korean drama, Happy Camp and dad, where we are going season two?. Lastly, I love food and dessert!!!!!